ELT has been good to me and I would like to give back to the profession that has given me so much. This website and my blog are parts of this work, but I would be happy to do more when and where I can.
In the legal profession, there is the tradition of Pro Bono work – lawyers working for nothing in order to give back to the profession and for the good of the community. I like this idea and I want to apply it to my own profession as an experiment.
So I am making the following offer:
If you’ve got a teacher association or group…
If no-one else will help (without a large fee)…
And if you can get me there and back and make sure I don’t starve while I’m there…
Then perhaps I can visit you for a spot of Pro Bono ELT.
Assuming we can come to an agreement about timing and content, I am prepared to consider travelling more or less anywhere to give ELT-related talks or workshops or more or less anything else we can think up together.
My only restriction is the amount of time I can get away from my other work – so I’ll be conservative in what I think I can do to start with and see how it goes. To begin with, I am prepared to make two Pro Bono ELT trips in a calendar year.
I will not ask for a presenter or trainer fee.
I will only ask that my expenses for the visit be covered and that any profits made (through attendance fees charged to cover costs, for example) are donated to charity.
I suggest or the IATEFL Wider Membership Scheme, but any charity we agree on would be fine as well.
Interested? So am I.
Get in touch using this contact form and let’s make this happen.
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